Frank Shifreen

Member Since October 17, 2008

I graduated Pratt Institute in 1976. I founded the Gowanus Memorial Artyard in 1980. Co-curated and organized Monumental Show in 1981. Kay Larson of New York Magazine called it "Event of Season" In 1982 organized Monument Redefined with artist Scott Siken. Co-organized Terminal Show in 1983 with AAAArt committee Founded PanArt in 1983 and helped run their space on Lafayette Street and edited PanArts Magazine.National Committee of Art Against Apartheid.Co-Organizer of Art Dump, with Scud Art Group.Designed sets for many off off Broadway shows Had Many solo exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, installations, digital and web art, performance.Curated Crayon Show, Postmodern Portrait, GroundZero, Counting Coup/Undo with artist Scott Pfaffman Art Against War: Posters and Multimedia on the web and 9 galleries and museums around the world.I am finishing doctorate in the Art&Art Education program at Teachers College, Columbia UniversityMy area of interest is artist organized initiatives and non-institutional art. I am working on my dissertation now
The book sounds like a very interesting book, for artists and curators, and I am both.
I will eager to read it when I get back to the States.
Although ...