Frank Hecker

Member Since July 16, 2009

Frank Hecker is Director of Grants and Programs with the Mozilla Foundation, a nonprofit organization promoting choice and innovation on the Internet through its support of the Mozilla project (home of the popular Firefox web browser) and related initiatives. Prior to joining the Mozilla Foundation full-time Frank worked as a sales engineer with Opsware, CollabNet, and Netscape. At Netscape he was a key contributor to Netscape's decision to release source code for the Netscape browser, and was appointed one of three Netscape Fellows. His professional interests include the technical, business, and public policy aspects of open-source software, information systems security, assistive technologies, and online education. He was the winner of the 2009 Catalyst Award for his work in promoting open source accessibility, and was named one of Washingtonian Magazine's "top 100 leaders of Washington's tech world". He blogs at
July 19 2009 13:32 on g (2008) - Jack Strange

g = ~9.8m/s^2