Flaneur art zine - Flaneur.me.

Member Since August 26, 2009

Hello everyone! Flaneur is an art zine, resolutely lo-fi, interested in all aspects of digital art. We have an urban, satirical edge, but want to spread the word about digital work. If you have a review of a show, a project you think is interesting, let us know.Or you could interview yourself for our new series 'Artist interviews self.'http://www.flaneur.me.ukThanksPlease email any articles to editor@flaneur.me.ukWe don't get paid, this is a labour of love. we'll send you a zine though.If you want to submit work to flaneur please email me!editor@flaneur.me.uk
Oct. 20 2011 12:40 on A Roundup of Online Art Radio

The Flaneur has started a short arts and culture podcast. Each week a different person tells you all about their favourite artwork. You can get it:
http://feeds.feedburner.com ...