fernando orellana

Member Since November 23, 2003

Currently an Assistant Professor of Digital Art at Union College in Schenectady, NY, Fernando Orellana uses new and traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that range from generative art to social-political commentary. He has recently exhibited at the Cultural Center of Spain in El Salvador, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Spain), Carrie Haddad Gallery (New York), Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Argentina), Exit Art (New York), LABoral, (Spain), The Tang Museum of Art, (New York), Glass Curtain Gallery (Chicago), The Ark (Ireland), and The Biennial of Electronic Art (Australia). His work is part of several art collections including the Richard and Ellen Sandor family collection Chicago, IL., The Ohio State University Student Union Collection, and The Western Michigan University Collection. He has been reviewed in a variety of publications and catalogs including ARTnews, Digital by Design, EMERGENTES, Art in America, Art Review, Slashdot, We-Make-Money-Not-Art, Todayʼs Machining World, MAKE: Technology on your Time, Technikart Futur, Wired Online, CNN, and NPR, WBEZ. He is the recipient of a 2009, New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Digital/Electronic Arts and a 2010 Full Fellowship Award at the Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT.He received a Master of Fine Art from The Ohio State University and a Bachelor of Fine Art with honors at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He was born in El Salvador, San Salvador and currently lives in Troy, New York. For a complete CV and recent artwork see: www.fernandoorellana.comTO VIEW MY RHIZOME COMMISSION PROPOSAL, FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW:http://rhizome.org/commissions/voting/approval/2067/
Two things came to mind while I was reading this. First, I am amazed that after a half century, the conversation about what we should call artists using electricity in ...