Ethan Ham

Member Since March 20, 2005

Ethan Ham is a visual artist living in New York City. Ethan's former career as a game developer can be seen in the art he makes. The artworks often playful and demonstrate his continuing interest in the interaction between an artwork and its beholder. His work often explores themes of translation and mutation and take the form of literary/art hybrids, sculpture, and internet-based art. His art has been commissioned by and and has been exhibited at the PS122 Gallery (New York, NY), The National Portrait Gallery (Canberra, Australia), The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (Novi Sad, Serbia), and on the websites of The Museum of Graphic Arts (Machida City, Japan) and The Museum of Contemporary Art (Badajoz, Spain).
Oct. 7 2009 09:30 on Stars (2007) - Ilia Ovechkin

Oops, I just saw the next post on the front page, which answered my question… Chu Yun.
Oct. 7 2009 09:28 on Stars (2007) - Ilia Ovechkin

Following the link, I noticed that Ilia Ovechkin is responsible for the gif, but not the installation. She wrote:

not sure who made the installation, but i believe this is ...
Adding a "loop" tag might be in order–the top Google hit is now this Rhizome post.
April 12 2009 13:00 on Selections from

Installing the plug-in certainly is a barrier to entry, but personally I'd be more uncomfortable going to a website that an anonymous spammer (you) links to, than installing a plug-in ...
April 9 2009 11:36 on Reminder

The spam-poster (posters?) are getting lazy and are not bothering to make a bland comment before pitching their crap.
For those who are interested in Tumbarumba, but don't actually want to install it (or aren't using FireFox), I just posted a video demonstration of it on YouTube:

Tumbarumba Demo
I recall that there was a proposal for something very similar in the 2005-2006 Rhizome Commission round… I liked the idea and sent the guy proposing it (who was getting ...
April 15 2008 08:56 on Brush-off

I went and looked at the BoingBoing posting about Proops. I was mildly entertained by a discussion thread argument between Proops and a user named Suedeheadabout whether Proops's work builds ...
March 28 2008 13:57 on Out of Office AutoReply


Most (all?) mail programs are smart enough to not send out the auto-response repeatedly to the same email address (I think Outlook's default is to auto respond only once ...