Eric Dymond

Member Since January 1, 1996

Eric Dymond is an artist who works with many tools and programming languages.He graduated from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design with a BFA in studio.<br />He exhibited paintings in Toronto, Detroit, New York, Montreal and London during the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's. The paintings were created with sandblasted sprays employing formal themes from the history of painting (still life's , individual portraits, traditional landscapes) . These series appear minimal with repeating content and are a form of Serialism.In the early 1990's he began working with digital media, building perl programs with TCL/TK, web sites (see the doorway on Leonardo) and stand-alone applications.He continues working in all media, rejecting specialization.A brief timeline :1976-On View -first exhibition held by Visual Arts Ontario1977-One person show-Gallery 5671978-One person show-Nancy Pooles Studio1978-Group Exhibition-Habatat Galleries,Detroit,Michigan1979-One Person Show-Habatat Galleries,Detroit,Michigan1979-Young Realists, London Regional Gallery1979-One Person Show-Nancy pooles Studio1980-New Artists-London Regional Gallery1980-O.A.C.-group juried show1981-One Person show-Nancy Pooles studio1982-Group exhibition-Honey Sharp Gallery-Tanglewood,Mass.1983-One Person show-Nancy Pooles studio1983-Group Exhibition-Adam Gimbel Gallery-New York,N.Y.1984-One Person Show-Grimsby Public Gallery1985-One Person Show-Nancy Pooles studio1985-One Person Show-Gallery 1667-Halifax,N.S.1987-One Person Show-Kitchener Waterloo Public Gallery1988-Group Exhibition-Market Gallery,Toronto1990-Two person show-Brampton public Gallery1990-One Person Show-Quan Schieder Gallery1991-CD-Rom interacive/Philips Corp.1991-Group Exhibition-Robert Kidd Gallery-Detroit,Michigan1993-Group Exhibition-Market Gallery1993-Marilyn (perl/tk)1994-One Person Show-Schieder and Associates1995-Group Exhibition-Bau-Xi Gallery1996-The doorway ( ( part of Iceflow, the Images festival of Independent Film Toronto (,1999,2001 - , see archives.see my Rhizome portfolio and Furthfield for current web works and writings.Collections:Numerous public and private collections in Canada and the United States.including,City of TorontoMcIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London OntarioLondon Public Library, London OntarioKitchener Waterloo Public GalleryAlgoma Public GalleryKamloops Public GalleryCollege of Physicians and Surgeons (Ontario)Connor and ClarkRoyal Lepage
Missing(and major oversights)
Heath Bunting, this is hard to swallow.
MTAA , same as above, prolific, deep,
Marc Garret, anticipated web 2.0 years ago with DIDO
Judy Malloy, longest ...
But did he ever star in "Afghanistan The Movie"? It was predicted years ago by Joe Edit.
Feb. 7 2010 13:07 on Will Gompertz on Net Art

I think it is fair to say thet there hasn't been a "significant work of art" in the last 20 years in any medium. Good works and popular works and ...
the perl module Chatbot::ELiza uses the same algorithm, and it's old stuff, how does the work build on that?

Feb. 17 2009 16:11 on Wikipedia Art

there is also a nice interventionist tautology to the piece. is it enough to sustain it or does it require the controversy?
Feb. 17 2009 15:47 on Wikipedia Art

Well, there is an assumption here that could generate more interesting discussion.
Wikipedia exists as an online collaborative encyclopedia. But why do encyclopedias exist? If knowledge is fixed, and the ...
was there a competition? am i missing something?
i see broadsides from Tom with an odd need to draw parallels where none exist.
net artists vs. artists with computers?
that's ...
Jan. 27 2008 01:34 on A Year in the Life

Passport revocation
In 1950 the State Department denied Robeson a passport and issued a "stop notice" at all ports, effectively confining him to the United States. When Robeson and his ...
Jan. 27 2008 01:08 on A Year in the Life

Leo Strauss said roughly security is the first and most necessary purpose of any state and virtue is the second and highest.

why is this true?

For example, in the ...