Ed Shanken

Member Since May 4, 2003


Edward A. Shanken writes and teaches about the entwinement of art, science, and technology with a focus on interdisciplinary practices involving new media. He is a researcher at the University of Amsterdam and a member of the Media Art History faculty at the Donau University in Krems, Austria. He was formerly Executive Director of the Information Science + Information Studies program at Duke University, and Professor of Art History and Media Theory at Savannah College of Art and Design. Recent and forthcoming publications include essays on art and technology in the 1960s, information aesthetics, interactivity and agency, and the cultural implications of cybernetics, robotics, and biotechnology. He edited Telematic Embrace: Visionary Theories of Art, Technology and Consciousness (University of California Press, 2003). His second book, Art and Electronic Media was published by Phaidon Press in 2009. Full CV available on my website.
PS. Also really appreciate the illustrations/vids/GIFS.
Fantastic review. Thanks!
Jan. 26 2011 07:34 on The Postmedia Perspective

Part 6 of 6
From the above considerations, it should be becoming clear that new
media theory straddles medium-specificity (the “new properties” of
meta-media first proposed by Kay) and medium-generality ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:33 on The Postmedia Perspective

Part 5
Early in the excerpt, Domenico summons Manovich’s 1996 distinction between “Duchamp Land” and “Turing Land,” a distinction that he claims remain “valid to a point” despite considerable ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:32 on The Postmedia Perspective

Part 4
Citing Inke Arnes, Domenico asks, How can we “underline New Media Art’s ‘specific form of contemporaneity’” in a way that does not “violate th[e] taboos” of ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:31 on The Postmedia Perspective

Part 3
While Domenico traces the roots of the post-medium discourse to Guattari and Brea, it could also be seen as rooted in Dick Higgins' 1966 "Statement on Intermedia." ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:30 on The Postmedia Perspective

Part 2
At Art Basel in June 2011, I organized and chaired a panel discussion with Nicolas Bourriaud, Peter Weibel, and Michael Grey (see link to video, below.)  That occasion ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:25 on The Postmedia Perspective

There are many keen insights in this excerpt from Media, New Media, Postmedia. I hope that Domenico’s whole book will be translated into ...
Jan. 26 2011 07:24 on The Postmedia Perspective

I've been trying to post a response to this for over a week!  The editor/server won't accept the text I cut and paste from Textedit…
Jan. 26 2011 07:21 on The Postmedia Perspective

Wonderful to see these gems of your research online. I look forward to reading the whole thing!
March 23 2009 05:45 on Media Studies

Politics of Virtual Space Bibliography, compiled by Andrea Fiore and Stephan Barmentloo for Scopic Regimes of Virtuality, MA seminar, University of Amsterdam: