Duncan Alexander

Member Since August 18, 2010


I wish I could have been there! This looks spectacular. I saw the lobsters and Jeremy Bailey's piece on Facebook; these photos really fill in a lot of details. I ...
Hawt. These images would look great as projections, I'd imagine, especially if some of that old-school scan-line shiveriness of pixels was still going on. Keep it up, and don't let ...
Cortright's work makes me so happy. She gets everything right about net art.
Aug. 18 2010 23:06 on Required Reading

Last post! When I say "any artwork that exists in the presence of the masses - so accessibility first! - can be labeled as "social media art,"," I mean ...
Aug. 18 2010 23:01 on Required Reading

Now that I've stated my case, let's return to the problem at hand: Social Media Art. Based on my previous arguments, it should be obvious that I am against any ...
Aug. 18 2010 22:59 on Required Reading

(a note: Rhizome is blocking my attempts to use urls in posts. These were more annotated.)
Aug. 18 2010 22:59 on Required Reading

As we've discovered in the most recent comments, websites have degrees of interactivity. I run a blog and also a website. The blog allows for anyone to comment - even anonymous ...
Aug. 18 2010 22:53 on Required Reading

As we've discovered in the most recent comments, websites have degrees of interactivity. I run a blog (shameless plug 1) and also a website (shameless plug 2). The blog allows ...
Aug. 18 2010 22:51 on Required Reading

Hi Rhizome! I've been trying to publish a comment, but nothing is showing up. I'm going to try posting this in chunks, so forgive me if in 8 hours my ...
Aug. 18 2010 22:41 on Required Reading

Ok, let me start off by saying hello and I can't believe I'm registering specifically for this discussion!

I think it might be most helpful at this point for a ...