Shaun Wilson

Member Since December 20, 2004

Dr Shaun Wilson is a Melbourne-based artist, film maker, curator and academic working with themes of memory, place and scale. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Media & Communication at RMIT University. Shaun teaches Video Production, Experimental Video and Media Theory (Modernity and Post-modernity) in the Bachelor of Arts (Animation and Interactive Media) undergraduate program, supervises MA and PhD students, and has published through journals, academic press, and arts magazines world wide. Shaun holds undergraduate degrees in Fine Arts from Monash University and RMIT University, and a PhD from the University of Tasmania . Exhibitions and screenings include Artwave Radio/Athens Biennial 2007, Australian Center of Contemporary Art; Australian Center for the Moving Image; Bilbao; Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa Union; Center of Contemporary Culture Barcelona; Kunstmuseum, Norway; Institute of Modern Art Brisbane; National Museum Center of Art Reina Sofia; Center on Contemporary Art Seattle; 24hrArt; and the Academy Gallery. He is the author of the forthcoming vampire novel "The Gothic Memorium" and has written eight feature length screenplays on vampires, coastal bogans, and time travel.
March 12 2009 00:36 on Random Rules

Hi Marine,

Im working up an academic book about YouTube, can you get in touch with me please?

best wishes

Shaun Wilson