"dlsan". This is the automaticallygenerated nickname given by his firstInternet Provider in 1998."dlsan" was born in Italy in 1968.He's been an Application Software Developerfrom 1990 to 2001.In April 2001 dlsan approached at theweb after other activities likepainting, photography, drawing comicsand acting.Actually he manages his own web agency: MS Creative Studio http://www.mscreativestudio.com His original net-art website KID KOMA (http://www.dlsan.org) is still an open "MIND" "LAB". His work the HyperMacbeth ( http://www.hypermacbeth.org ) has been mentioned in "Macbeth New Critical Essay" (ISBN: 978-0-415-97404-2 ) [ http://books.google.it/books?id=g6Bwqlp1TIkC&pg=PA322&lpg=PA322&dq=hypermacbeth+book&source=bl&ots=YcTSef3PMv&sig=wPYJe7rgMZOEteHFb3m-2x_CTPI&hl=it&ei=mDtxSvbINtD__QbgxKT0Cg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3 ]"dlsan" is also the author ofother collateral net-art website as http://www.happyman.ws ( HAPPYMAN - virtual economy for useless people) and http://www.desertodelgarda.com ( a futuristic tourist operator for the Deserto del Garda)dlsan's motto is: «(the freedom of) Internet is dying! For a living web tomorrow: be creative, not cretin.»