Dick Whyte

Member Since January 21, 2010

I have been making art since 1999 when I colored in half an A4 sheet of paper with a black vivid marker. In 2009, 10 years after starting to make art, I finally stumbled on the world of digital art which has invigorated my art production and opened a new world of possibilities.My films, images and sculptures have been exhibited at many New Zealand galleries over years (Peter McLeavy Gallery, Corban Estate Art Center, Physics Room, 91 Aro Street, Enjoy Gallery, etc.). My digital works, however, have so far only been visible on the net.
Thankyou so much for posting my video here - much appreciated. It is part of a series of films which I am making called "reconstructions" or "RECONS" in which I reconstruct ...
I have a funny relationship to Mclaren's work, but this has to be one of my favorite abstract films of all time. The relationship between sound and image is just ...