Member Since May 28, 2006


CONT3XT.NET is a Vienna-based initiative founded in January 2006 by Sabine Hochrieser, Michael Kargl, Birgit Rinagl and Franz Thalmair. Programmatically, this group of artists, curators and authors—their different roles and functions sometimes regarded strictly, sometimes as a fluid continuum—work at the basis of contemporary visual, textual and networked practices. Starting from the idea of the context as the most indecisive and variable but relevant constraint of any situation, the collective reflects upon the spatial, temporal, discursive as well as the institutional framework that conceptual artistic practices (on the Internet and elsewhere) are rooted in today.
hi marc,

in fact, I think this is just the natural process a - more or less private and successful - initiative has to go through: – founding at a time when ...
@ curt cloninger
I think that the emphasis on "form" is necessary in the visual arts field, but - and this might be the point - it is not the only category art ...
this is erwin wurm 2.0