Chris Burke

Member Since January 1, 1996

Chris Burke, Writer, Director– Chris studied film production at NYU's School of the Arts where he made several short films. Subsequently he worked in film production for 8 years and wrote music for seven feature films and a number of television programs.As a composer, Chris Burke has been working with electronic music and sound collage since the mid 1980s when he created his Bam Bam catalogue of cassette releases which eventually became the Mode Avant release, Idioglossia. Since then Chris has had three other releases, including the Sire Records release All Wave Super with his band Glorified Magnified. He has collaborated with Grammy-winning producer Don Was and with Tom Morello of Electra recording artists Rage Against The Machine. Under the name glomag, Chris began working with gameboys to create electronic music in live performance. He has frequently collaborated with new media artists Lab[au] in Brussels and performed in Paris and Vienna. In New York he has collaborated with visual artists Benton Bainbridge, Giles Hendrix, Chiaki Watanabe and others.Chris's sound and music compositions have been presented at Lincoln Center, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Rhizome's Digital Happy Hour at The Kitchen, The American Center in Paris and on television and radio in the US, Belgium and France. His current CD release, "Device" is available on line at Spartan Life marks Chris's return to visual media and a fascination with the new form called "machinima"- making film or video using a game engine.
I think the points discussed by Fisher can be attributable to the simple fact that bands now are hyper-aware of recent music history. The millions in development money spent in ...
Oct. 12 2009 20:42 on Notes on Going Under

I enjoyed this very much. Thanks. I can't say I disagree with David Thomas's assessment really, but I have always thought that "devolution" was not meant as a cohesive critical ...