Carl Diehl

Portland, OR —

Member Since July 22, 2006

Born in Syracuse New York (1978), Carl Diehl holds a BFA in Art Video from Syracuse University (2000) and a MFA in Digital Art from the University of Oregon (2007). From 2000 to 2003 he was an events programmer at Artists’ Television Access, in San Francisco, where he continues to volunteer remotely as a layout and copy editor. Based in Portland, he coordinates meetings of HTML ( Hundred Thousand Million Labyrinths) a constraint-based writing group, pursues the "atempastoral," cultivates anti-algorithms, consults for Weird-Fiction and programs events with Weird Shift, a center for marginalia studies. Diehl’s video essays, installations, performances and other works have been exhibited nationally and internationally at events including: the International Symposium of Electronic Art, Transmediale and the &Now Festival of New Writing . Carl Diehl teaches courses in New Media Studies, Experimental Media and Time-Based Art at the Pacific Northwest College of Art and Portland State University
Dec. 3 2012 04:20 on GIFABILITY

In Metaphortean terms, 'crypto-zoetropicalism' or the study of hidden animation, affords a brief and speculative genealogy of Art GIFs. Like living fossils, persisting via isolation from the competition of life ...