
Member Since December 20, 2005

June 11 2014 12:36 on Getty Images: Still Kinda Sexist?

I sent this article to listserve I was on, explaining that I thought it was notable. Rachel Sklar wrote back with some useful criticism and told me I should pass ...
April 18 2013 13:31 on Breaking the Ice

I'd like to see more posting in general. Rhizome is a great resource, but not every post is going to appeal to me. I like new media art news and ...
I think it's unlikely those labels exist to appease curators. At least two new media museum curators I know based in New York thought the show was really bad and ...
Feb. 23 2011 12:16 on The New

I think it's important to say something publically. It's a persistent issue and of all the broken links that need to be fixed, I'd say the exhibition links should take ...
I actually hadn't meant to issue a whole scale dismissal of artist's use of the technology, though I can see how my prediction might have read as such. I've seen ...
June 5 2008 18:13 on The Page Turner

This reminds me of A Boy Name Thor, which was a blog where Jason Corace wrote a song a day for I can't remember how how many months…I don't think ...
April 16 2008 03:52 on Brush-off

Having read this conversation through a few times, it is not my impression that any one was trying to deliberately misread comments made. I have however, noticed a reluctance on ...
April 11 2008 13:54 on The Rematerialization of Art

From my blog:

Cory Arcangel. Image via: Holy Fire

Ed Halter’s brief discussion of Holy Fire ...
April 9 2008 02:16 on Brush-off

Yea, I probably could have been more specific with the unicorn landscapes, hackerism, and one trick pony art boing boing posts as "art pablum". Proops bothers me because his painting ...
March 28 2008 13:49 on Out of Office AutoReply

PS By screens, I meant projection pieces.
March 28 2008 13:49 on Out of Office AutoReply

Certainly there are examples of multiple takes on projects where the development is meaningful, but it seems to me the rate at which Apple turns out new computers was implicit ...