Aron Namenwirth

Member Since November 16, 2005

Aron Namenwirth is a painter, media artist , curator , and co-director of artMovingProjects founded in 1995. Aron was born in Ipswich Mass. He got his M.F.A. in Painting in 1987 from Yale. He works and lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Aron’s work is involved in contemporary American politics, war and consumerist culture. He recently showed at Momenta , vertexList. and Galapagos. Namenwirth’s Video and Animations have been screened at Diva in Miami. He has written and curated for Zing Magzine. His work has been reviewed in The New York Times, The Brooklyn Rail, Time Out, Italian Vogue, and Broadcast on PBS and CNN.
Feb. 5 2010 18:25 on Will Gompertz on Net Art

Unfortunately, how important something is in this culture of ours is determined by the marketplace, and how much $ is going to be paid for it. This has little to due ...
Thanks Tom. This is a testament to the power of the internet. I might add that Paul's amazing "Transformer Fire" was chosen by NYAB as their pick of the day ...
i think you missed the point.
April 11 2008 18:30 on The Rematerialization of Art

It seems to me when New Media Art stops trying to look like old Media art made with a computer, that is pop art, conceptual art, minimalism, painting, and now ...
April 8 2008 17:34 on The Rematerialization of Art

hmmm. since i was dragged into this by Tom and Ed I guess I will put a couple of cents into this tread, I was going to stay out, but ...