
Member Since December 25, 2005

[Donnachie-Simionato's work] is a visual investigation of the non-metric, somewhere between Picasso, digital-prank and Gestalt. Supported by the asynchronous sounds of Sinistri, Donnachie-Simionato modulate an elegant visual flux which also interferes with our comprehension. Perhaps by reordering the principles behind the organization of images and sound we effect our thought processes?Karen ann Donnachie and Andy Simionato, Ausralian artists currently residing in Milan, Italy are most noted in the digital arts panorama for their development, since 2002, of a curious and articulated internet project called This is (not) a magazine, considered "a phenomenon in publishing" (The Journal of Made-images, London UK, 2006) They are invited to talk in art and design contexts, in universities and art academies, from the ARCO fair in Madrid to the London College of Communication, they curate events and develop both on and off line editorial projects (their motto "make art for Magazines, don't make art for galleries") The atelier of Donnachie-Simionato develops new approaches to multidisciplinary expression."From Netmage 2007 catalogue, Italy
July 9 2009 07:45 on On Tour

"no one is telling them they shouldn’t make art about triathlons or drum-and-bass"
- So am i to assume that in NY someone IS telling you that you cannot?
July 9 2009 02:13 on On Tour

The fact is that without Nikola's reactions to the article, I would have probably for the most part dismissed Brian's article as superficial and sophomoric journalism (no offence Brian, I ...
July 8 2009 07:47 on On Tour

"…just measure it in inches" AW
July 8 2009 05:53 on On Tour

Dear Brian, If Nikola wishes to be removed from your article you could strike through all the references to his name and artworks without changing the orginal text. On a ...