Adam Maher

Member Since September 19, 2010

I started off as a 13 year old unschooled and completely uneducated Microsoft Paint scribbler when I came across the concept of 3D graphics designing after joining my first academic school at the age of 14.Dazzled, amazed and overwhelmed by the unlimited possibilities and unreachable limits of this subject, I began spending more and more time learning of other software packages beyond the scope of Microsoft Office and Paint specifically. After obtaining my own copy of Adobe Illustrator and (at the time) Alias Maya, I took pride in graduating from Microsoft Paint into the world of 2D vector graphics at first, and then slowly stepping further from 2D graphics into the limitless universe of 3D modeling, rendering, lighting and animation.I spent a further 5-6 years studying 3d computer graphics as a hobby and now, at the age of 19, I find myself miles and miles ahead of the insignificant and primitive platform I struggled to reach when I was younger, and I also understand how I am so many light-years away from reaching my ultimate target - being a true master in all aspects of 3D computer graphics.
N*log(N) is the same as log(N)^N right? I need to brush up on some of my mathematics! XD

But yea, i think that's really interesting what ...