A. Andreas

Member Since January 1, 1996

A. Andreas, given name Andreas Maria Jacobs (NL 1956) is an artist, writer and editor, studied physics and mathematics at the University of Amsterdam NL, electronic and computer music at the State University Utrecht NL and holds a BSc. in software engineering, University of Applied Sciences - The Hague NL. Among his works are - La Resocialiste - Edicion Internacional 2010,- Ors Vibranter Wurld 2008,- Creative Resistance - New Media as Soft Arms 2007, - Semantic Disturbances 2005, - Fiat Lux 2005 and- Gerausche aus der Helle 1989. His pieces have appeared in - Electronic Literature Collection Volume 2, 2010- /seconds issue #11, 2009- Hyperhiz #5, Winter 2008- Web del Sol, eScene #34 2008- New River Journal (Fall, 2007) - Nictoglobe (Volume 14 Issue 3, 2005) [(}|{)] As online agent for the Brahamian Intelligence Service internationally being performed at various festivals and clubs. (Self)published essays in:- project.Arnolfini (UK 2008), - seecult.org (Serbia 2007), - MetaMute (UK 2007) among others. He is publisher/editor of Nictoglobe magazine, ISSN 1874-9534, online since 1986!. An irregular contributor to Poetry Kessel-Lo Belgium, Theory and Wryting, Netbehaviour and more mailinglists. A. Andreas is currently working as a free-lanced software engineer. He lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Walkenried, Germany with Judith V. and their 3 children. More of their work can be found at Nictoglobe.

Reposting this one, previously my posts did get through allegedly Rhizome's Walled Garden

This is:

a) A profound showing of 'nonintelligence'

b) A neo liberal 'art' attitude, popular in current ...

This is:

a) A profound showing of 'nonintelligence'

b) A neo liberal 'art' attitude, popular in current Anglo-Saxon culture, also popular in Great Britain

c) North America's insane media oriented ...
Jan. 13 2011 07:02 on The Postmedia Perspective

I thought it is about trying to artificially postpone the dying of New Media Art (NMA) by investigating its underlying constructing mechanisms and completely ignoring the sick and starving artists ...
April 4 2008 11:55 on The Rematerialization of Art

Dominico and list

I do not grasp the meaning of this so called discussion.

It seems as if it should be fun to talk and meet other people working in ...
April 3 2008 16:21 on The Rematerialization of Art

Interesting discussion anyway, but I do miss some vital points:

1 Regarding the position of the art buyer, is not it that (s)he is expressing its fetishtic feelings of ...
April 3 2008 16:03 on The Rematerialization of Art

Interesting dicourse anyway, but I do mis some vital points: