Pierre-Yves Desaive

Member Since April 1, 2003


Art historian and art critic, I specialize in contemporary art and media art. I graduated in History of Art from the University of Liège, Belgium, where I also earned a degree in Applied Computer Science in the Humanities. After working as an assistant at the Art Collections of the University of Liège, and for the Art historians association of the University, I joined the staff of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels, where he I am currently Curator for Contemporary Art. President of the Belgian section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) from 2009 to 2012, member of the International Council Of Museums (ICOM), I regularly publish articles on contemporary art for various magazines (Flash Art, Contemporary Magazine, L’Art Même, Flux News, …), catalogues or galleries. As a freelance curator, I have organized several exhibitions in Belgium and abroad. Member of the Digital Art Commission of the Ministry of Culture (2009-2019), I am interested in the way network technologies interact with contemporary art. Professor at the National Superior School for Visual Arts (ENSAV – La Cambre, Brussels), I teach a class entitled “Media and Contemporary Art”, where I underline the challenges of today’s digital societies from an artistic point of view.
April 20 2008 14:28 on The Rematerialization of Art

I attended the "Holy Fire" debate held in "Art Brussels" on saturday (April 19).

First I don't know if any of you has seen photographs of the room where it ...