Corinna Kirsch

Member Since August 18, 2011

May 9 2012 13:37 on Report from Frieze New York

I missed that ink blot at Andrew Kreps. Thanks for pointing it out.
"Like Beuys, she could not be seen at the gallery, but like Emin, she will be viewed through a lens." Have you guys ever seen this video (http://vimeo ...
Thanks for changing the title of Beuys' performance. I'm glad to have been of service.
I'm looking forward to Gretta Louw's webcam series, but I have a huge issue with anything related to Joseph Beuys in this article. Did the author find the information about ...
Oct. 4 2011 12:18 on This is Marshall McLuhan

I'm glad Alex Kitnick's preamble was transcribed. When I attended the event, I was awed by his humor and adroitness. I'm still at a loss for McLuhan's contemporary relevance. Yes ...
"The Photoshop pieces are beautiful and the democracy inherent in their names is very Internet, in a good way. I don't have a problem with those, and your description is ...
“Instead it's the way in which Arcangel's work frustrates the expectation that art, particularly art that engages with technology, somehow demonstrate a kindof expertise that justifies its elevation to the ...
I thought they looked horrible in the gallery. Some of the rainbow colors were muddied. They look so much better online.
What is going on here? There's so much crazy talk. I'm replying to all of this tomorrow.