Brendan C. Byrne

Member Since September 5, 2013

Zachary, Hey didn't know about this comment til I saw Michael's post today which mentioned it. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I wanted for this piece. Will pick ...
Feb. 7 2014 12:18 on To Program a Prose Machine

Photography of 'Tristano', copy #10750 by Jennette Cheung.
Emily Gould informs me that the chat layout in question was eventually based on that used in Choire Sicha's 'A Very Recent History', which I neglected to read due to ...
Sept. 14 2013 16:41 on Thomas M. Disch's "Endzone"

Donovan_S_Brain: Thanks much for the invaluable context and remembrance. That Disch envisaged comments barnacling to 'Endzone' long after his death offers another angle on his relationship with the platform. As ...
Sept. 5 2013 15:42 on Thomas M. Disch's "Endzone"

Minor correction: Henry Wessells informs me that 'Winter Journeys' has not yet been published by Payseur & Schmidt. The Poetry Foundation's statement that it was published in 2010 was obviously ...