. Net Art Anthology

Molly Lambert

Guthrie Lonergan finds the algorithmic averages of all content as a form of meditative measuring ...

Tyler Coburn and Hannah Black

Reading Genzken's work within and against the postinternet frame.

Ceci Moss

This just in: Lower East Side gallery Ludlow 38 will organize an exhibit of sound ...

Ceci Moss

For those long trips you make take this summer - or for those long stretches in ...

Ceci Moss

Commitment Radio examines radio presets and what it means to make a choice. Instead of ...

Ceci Moss

The FM Ferry Experiment, a project conceived and programmed by neuroTransmitter, was an eight-day mobile ...

Ceci Moss

Shared Frequencies is a portable sound installation and performance environment that relies on multiplex radio ...

Ceci Moss

Public Supply I, WBAI, New York, 1966 For "Public Supply I," Max Neuhaus confined his ...

Ceci Moss

We're reporting from No Soul For Sale this week and yesterday I took a ...

Chloe Gray

The date is February 9, 1972, and Chris Burden arrives at Channel 3 Cablevision’s ...