. Announce

Celine Wong Katzman

Fifteen recent artworks added to Rhizome ArtBase.

. Net Art Anthology

Michael Connor

An app that was written in water over hot stone, and disappeared.

. Announce


Grants will be awarded in three categories: net art, VR, and poetry.

. Net Art Anthology

Aria Dean

Mez Breeze's writing practice mixes computer code and human language, subverting both.

Harry Burke

Transforming printed poems through erasure and overlay.

Harry Burke

Ekphrastic poetry for the album 'R Plus Seven.'

Harry Burke

The short film "Was Being Moved" takes the form of a series of postcards to ...

Harry Burke

Ambient speedreading of two notoriously difficult texts.

Harry Burke

New online poetry works, every Monday through April 6.

. Artist Profile

Harry Burke

"emotional geography, eyeless interaction, internalised everything."

Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal

Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal on a new publication that queers the epistolary form.


Topics and people discussed in our ephemeral blog posts in August 2014.