. First Look

Michael Connor

A browser-based game that weaves a dreamlike personal narrative populated by iconic female characters from ...

. Announce

Michael Connor & Aria Dean

Announcing Rhizome’s 2019–2020 program themes, and microgrants open call.


In 2014, Rhizome launched a microgrants program, awarding $500–$1,500 to anyone with a ...

. Announce

Aria Dean

New works of net art, poetry, and mobile VR for the coming season.

. Announce


Grants will be awarded in three categories: net art, VR, and poetry.

. Announce

Aria Dean

Eleven artists and researchers to receive funding for their projects.

. Announce


Apply for a 2017 Rhizome Microgrant.

Eileen Isagon Skyers

An artist maps the trajectory of an Egyptian lexicon.

Kaela Noel

Proposals are due August 11, 2016 for this year's microgrants. Rhizome will award net ...

Michael Connor

Lena NW and Costcodreamgurl unveil their new game, 'Viral.'