Eileen Isagon Skyers

An artist maps the trajectory of an Egyptian lexicon.

. Artist Profile

Harry Burke

"You could make other people's art, you could predict what everyone was going to ...

Michael Connor

Revisiting the work of an Argentine poet who thought of written language as performance.

. Artist Profile

Jesse Darling

"It's like the famous romantic scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Would ...

. Artist Profile

Harry Burke

"emotional geography, eyeless interaction, internalised everything."

Orit Gat

When it comes to art criticism, is user-generated content a problem, or a solution?

Adam Rothstein

QR codes are links between a place in space and time, and the atemporal network ...

Jason Huff

via John Powers

Brian Droitcour

When, in the script’s first lines, Mexico Korea says “Yaw,,,,,,”, the comma does more ...