. Net Art Anthology


Major forthcoming online exhibition to retell the story of net art.

. The Download

Paul Soulellis

The Download is a series of Rhizome commissions that considers posted files, the act of downloading ...

Jason Huff

A desktop is a changing record of visual decisions. It speaks to the aesthetics of ...

Jason Huff

You can’t copyright universal symbols of power. And because of improvements in technology, the ...

Ceci Moss

The biennial exhibition was especially attentive to the Arab Spring, and the effect this has ...

Alex Kitnick

The light bulb was always McLuhan’s first example when explaining what he meant by ...

Joanne McNeil

Barricelli experiment recreated with Processing by Galloway. Barricelli’s visualization technique has been altered—color ...

Brian Droitcour

The art of the Greeks has been used in the past as a touchstone for ...