Jon Rafman

When I found the legend of Eddie Lee, I found the center to my film ...


Excerpt from Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior by Chad Birch on GameInternals:

Brian Droitcour

A discussion on "art about fantasy" (as opposed to fantasy art) that covers work by ...

Ceci Moss

[PLAY] Hot Throttle is a new game on Adult Swim from indie game designers Mark ...

Joshua Noble

An interview with artist Zach Gage, who critically engages the nature of data within the ...

Ceci Moss

A virtual environment, with multiple levels, produced for Philadelphia's Extra Extra Gallery.

Ceci Moss

Darkgame head gear Currently in the prototype stage, Darkgame is a sensory deprivation computer game ...

Ceci Moss

By combining a recently developed mobile software application with the multimedia facade of the ARS ...

Ceci Moss

Video of "Spacewar" Ready or not, computers are coming to the people.

Ceci Moss

Captured PlayStation3 video from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, edited to reflect the seamless passing of ...