Ceci Moss

Scan began as a creative diversion, but has since become a full-on fixation. I find ...

Michelle Kasprzak

Recently, Adobe Systems Incorporated released a new product. Not an update to its existing suite ...

Domenico Quaranta

The following excerpt comes from the final chapter of my book Media, New Media, Postmedia ...

John Michael Boling

2012Link »

Ceci Moss

Interview with Perry Bard from tagr.tv (Screengrab) Interview with Petko Dourmana from tagr.tv ...

Ceci Moss

From the artist's statement:

Marisa Olson

Damon Zucconi, Towards Equillibrium, 2007 Damon Zucconi is a New York-based artist active in the ...

Ceci Moss

Move over holographic reporting! With Obama's inauguration coming up tomorrow, many news organizations are ...

Marisa Olson

For much of the world, and even for residents of America's other 49 states ...