. Black Boxes to Open Systems

Michael Connor

Curating Online Exhibitions, Part 2: Mise-en-scène

Michael Connor

The online exhibition is connected to a broader field and history of exhibition-making, but is ...

Ceci Moss

From March 17-30th at 319 Scholes, READ/WRITE will celebrate the last 1+ year of ...

Michelle Kasprzak

Recently, Adobe Systems Incorporated released a new product. Not an update to its existing suite ...

Ceci Moss

Found image for Jibade-Khalil Huffman's project Curated by Leah Beeferman and Matthew Harvey, Parallelograms ...

Alan Licht

Founded by curator Michael Connor in 2009, Marian Spore was a limited-duration art space that ...

Ceci Moss

Alan Vega, Untitled, 1981-2010 (from Circuit Lausanne's collection on Collectionof) Collectionof went live today ...

Domenico Quaranta

The following excerpt comes from the final chapter of my book Media, New Media, Postmedia ...

Ceci Moss

From the PDF exhibition series Adobe PDF. These images are from File 4 "Hidden Shit ...

Ceci Moss

BYOB NYC animated GIF by Travess Smalley Last Friday, I popped by Spencer Brownstone Gallery ...

Ceci Moss

Jean-Luc Godard, Voyage(s) en utopie, Jean-Luc Godard, 1946-2006, 2006 (Installation view of the “Aujourd ...