. Net Art Anthology

Michael Connor

An online and offline art project that became a local mystery and a kind of ...

. sevenonseven

Nozlee Samadzadeh

Notes on the making of collectable.art as part of Seven on Seven 2017.

. sevenonseven

Michael Connor

Recent art-tech collaborations from Rhizome’s Seven on Seven initiative.


A Rhizome reading list for "Women on the Verge."


Rhizome.org: online, and under construction, since 1996.


Topics and people discussed in our ephemeral blog posts in August 2014.


Kev's first public reading of his poetry and the NYC launch of 'Cunny Poem ...

Gene McHugh

Art review-as-short fiction, on Jon Rafman's NYC exhibition "You Are Standing in an Open ...

Harry Burke

"Sometimes debt's better left unpaid." An artist-run space in a foreclosed condo stages its ...

Zoë Salditch

Today, we celebrate gURLs.

. Artist Profile

Louis Doulas

Sister Unn's, 2011