. Announce

Celine Wong Katzman

22 artist-made Tumblrs have been added to the Rhizome ArtBase.

. Digital Preservation

Michael Connor

Rhizome recently acted as hosts of a one-day learning program for the Wikimedia Foundation Board ...

. Announce


Rhizome is accepting submissions for artist-made Tumblrs in three categories

. Announce

Celine Wong Katzman

Fifteen recent artworks added to Rhizome ArtBase.

. Announce


Artists are invited to submit recent poetic artworks to the Rhizome ArtBase.

. Announce


Following years of research and development, the ArtBase has relaunched as a new kind of ...

. Black Boxes to Open Systems


A new event series on the exhibition, collection, and preservation of born-digital art.

. Announce

Michael Connor

Rhizome to relaunch the ArtBase, ushering in a new era of semantic archives for digital ...

. Announce

Dragan Espenschied

On Monday, the National Endowment for the Humanities announced a new grant award to Rhizome ...


Research for a new data model and interface design framework for the archive.

. Digital Preservation

Lozana Rossenova

A hands-on workshop session on the ArtBase for Rhizome community members based in/around NYC.

. Announce

Lozana Rossenova

Take our ArtBase survey, and get free stuff!