Kickstarter Projects We ❤

In conjunction with Rhizome's curated page on Kickstarter, we are featuring select projects from the site on the blog. If you would like to let us know about your fund raising efforts on Kickstarter, shoot us an email at editor(at)

►PRISM index - Handmade Mixed-Media Art Book

PRISM index is a limited edition, handmade, silkscreened, mixed-media book that compiles the work of a wide spectrum of artists into one place. The name serves as an acronym for print, images, sounds, and movies.

The goal of this publication is to create a collage of current art/culture scenes from throughout the US and the world. As a network for artists, this project seeks to establish a platform for multi-media sharing through the tactile, aural, and visual experience of print, images, sounds (CD), and movies (DVD) and to extend and elaborate those expressions through its online presence. PRISM index intended to create something that could not be thrown away, skimmed through, replicated, or forgotten.

Limited to 500 hand-numbered copies. Packaged in archival sleeves.

►Ende Tymes Festival of noise and experimental music

A festival dedicated to noise and experimental music, Ende Tymes will feature over 40 artists in live performances, video screenings, workshops, discussions, and sound installations. With an emphasis on bringing in out-of-state artists to interact with established locals, the Ende Tymes Festival will expose younger artists and fans to older and more distant artists.  The festival will occur June 24-26 at the Silent Barn (a DIY music venue, established 2005) and Outpost (a video post-production resource center for artists, established 1990), both located in Ridgewood NY. 

The artists will present work that engages with the many forms of noise and experimental music: drone, avant-garde, electro-acoustic, harsh noise, digital & analog synthesis, soundtracks, installations.  In addition to the musical performances at Silent Barn, there will be screenings at Outpost of videos by selected artists as well as those chosen from the pool of a public call for works, including some with live performance. 

►Important Projects

Important Projects is an independent artist run exhibition space in Oakland, CA. We started the space in November of 2009 with the intention of creating an exhibition platform that we (being artists ourselves) would want to participate in.  

Our space focuses on single projects and solo shows. At the core of the program is the belief that solo shows are an integral aspect to the development of an individual’s artistic vision. But we maintain an open program that encourages discussion, collaboration, and our bottom line is that we put the intentions of the artists we work with first.

The gallery is currently a small room on the second story of our house.  The size and location of this room provide a very specific context. Visitors who come to the space are invited into our backyard, into our home, and ultimately into our hearts. These are the days of our lives y’all!

As we move forward with the space, we want to maintain this level intimacy. An important part of Important Projects is that the gallery is part of a home. But one of the gallery's founders is moving on to earn his M.F.A., and we feel that a change is in order. We want to move the space and adjust our program so that Important Projects will no longer be a part of our home, it will be our home. The space will evolve so that it is not only an experimental space, but also an experiment in living.