Our new site is now live in beta! We are excited to share it with you and get your feedback.

Building this site has been a massive project that involved backwards engineering 15 years of site history. We rebuilt Rhizome from the ground-up and improved every feature. The ArtBase has been significantly expanded. It is now much more dynamic and browseable, and allows individual artworks to be presented in greater detail. To learn about all of the changes, visit the Orientation page.

Because we've created so many new features, we also upgraded our membership policy. Now, all artworks are free and viewable to the public in basic form. We've shifted membership onto advanced interaction and participatory features. More here.

We encourage you to explore the new site. Give us suggestions on ways things might be improved and scout for bugs! Please note: We are not saving information on the beta site. So, while you can interact with it and upload information, it wont be carried over when we make the final switch.

Last, we encourage you to support our Community Campaign, which begins today. All of these major changes will more powerfully fulfill our mission to promote and preserve emerging artistic practices engaged with technology. And, they have been made possible thanks to years of your generous participation and support. Please give to Rhizome today!