You've Got Mail!

This is the first post back from No Soul For Sale at the Tate Modern, and I thought I'd kick it off by discussing the project in Rhizome's very own space, David Horvitz's Mail Nothing to the Tate Modern. When we first launched the call, we weren't sure how many people would respond and actually send in empty packages to the Tate. Turns out, hundreds! When I arrived yesterday, the Tate staffers had graciously stored all of our mail in a neat pile for us in their storage facility, and it was real delight/surprise to show up and find so much mail. Many of the envelopes and packages were decorated with writing, drawing, and spraypaint. For those who sent in mail, thank you so much! See below for some shots of our space and some of the mail we received. I plan to dutifully photograph each parcel over the next few days too, hopefully for a pdf catalog, a special section of the Mail Nothing site, or something of the like.



