HTML Color Codes
Image: Rafaël Rozendaal , RGB, 2001

Rhizome is pleased to announce the launch of the online exhibition "HTML Color Codes" organized by Carolyn Kane, Rhizome Curatorial Fellow.

The HTML Color Codes exhibition features a selection of internet based artwork that address the topic of digital color. The central question that the exhibition poses is whether or not artists working with the internet are in fact limited to a “ready-made” color palette, a premise that many artists working with film, photography, and mass produced, standardized paint sets have assumed. The rationale for this question stems from theories of perception that argue that color is a not ready-made object found in a paint set or machine, but rather it is an experience that results from a complex process of light interacting with the retina and human nervous system.

Artists include: Chris Ashley, Michael Atavar, Michael Demers, dlsan, Jacob Broms Engblom, Elna Frederick, Morgan Rush Jones, Brian Piana, Owen Plotkin, Rafaël Rozendaal, Andrew Venell, and Noah Venezia.

Site built by Travess Smalley and John Michael Boling.