Open Call: Scholars and Researchers in Residence and Artists in Residence Programs at EMPAC

The Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) in Troy, New York is accepting applications for both its Scholars and Researchers in Residence and its Artists in Residence programs on a rolling basis, which means no deadlines! Applications will be accepted and reviewed throughout the year.

The Artists and Residence Program offers individuals, groups, ensembles, and collectives the chance to work in a state-of-the-art facility with optional support from experts in audio, video, and stage technologies and an interdisciplinary curatorial team, including faculty at Renssaeler. For more information on EMPAC's artists residencies, click here.

The Scholars and Researchers in Residence Program is available to visiting scholars and researchers whose research is directed at the intersection of physical, human-scale environments, and the technological domain. Residencies will have access to both in-house EMPAC facilities and Renssaeler facilities. For more information on EMPAC’s scholars and researchers residencies, click here.

For additional information about EMPAC’s residency programs, including guidelines and application information, click here.