Make Something New: Announcing
Now open to artists & technologists in Taiwan.

In a special partnership made possible by Taipei Cultural Center New York, Rhizome and Digital Art Center Taipei (DAC) have teamed up to debut a new art-and-technology collaboration platform, The platform is open to students in Taiwan colleges and universities who have a focus on art and/or technology. Working together in pairs, they’ll be given a simple assignment: make something new. 

Developed by Rhizome and \Art at Cornell Tech, is an extension of the long-running 7x7 program. Founded in 2010, Seven on Seven brings together leading figures in art and technology for deep conversation and creative collaboration. After working together for a short period, they share what they’ve made—a prototype, a sketch, an artwork—as part of a day-long conference.

A lightweight web, email, and Discord-based app, 7000×7000 allows users to meet and select potential collaborators to be guided together through a proposal-making process, with curatorial support. Participants fill out a brief profile, select one another, and begin a seven-day collaboration, which culminates in the development of a short proposal. Successful proposals are given further resources and the opportunity to develop projects further with guidance from DAC and Rhizome curators. 

DAC and Rhizome plan to team up for a full 7x7 event in the coming months, and successful pairings from 7000x7000 will be featured as part of the program. is made possible by Taipei Cultural Center in New York, Ministry of Culture. 




「7000X7000」計畫是由Rhizome與康乃爾大學科技校區的 \Art 機構共同開創。延續Rhizome「7X7」計畫跨域不設限的精神。「7X7」計畫​​是Rhizome於2010開始推動的指標性年度活動。每年邀請七位當代藝術家與七位來自科技創新領域專家配對合作,基於不設限的精神,結合藝術思維和先端科技,創造出前所未有的全新想像。並在為期一日的「7X7」年會中向全世界發表。

