Announcing Rhizome Almanac
A new resource for the care and handling of digital art, for artists and institutions.


Rhizome’s digital preservation program, under the direction of Dragan Espenschied since 2014, has produced unique and significant research and tools to facilitate the handling, preservation, and exhibition of born-digital art. Sharing the knowledge surrounding this program has primarily taken place through articles on Rhizome’s blog and elsewhere, through public events and workshops, and through direct inquiries—many, many direct inquiries. 

With the launch of a new website, Almanac, Rhizome will now share this kind of information in a more user-friendly and systematic fashion. Created with funding from Knight Foundation, the website documents institutional concepts and processes that may be broadly applied by both artists and institutions working with born-digital media. The site launches with a handful of articles, including some important fundamental concepts, and will grow as we continue to document our work. 

In the meantime, if there’s anything you’d like to know additionally, you can always get in touch via


The Rhizome Almanac was made possibile by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Photo: Dragan Espenschied, 2018.