Collect, Curate, and Share your Archives with Latest Webrecorder Release

Rhizome is very excited to announce today’s release of an updated and expanded version of Webrecorder. As with earlier versions, users can capture web pages, including interactive features, and share their collections. Webrecorder now has gained a robust new set of tools for organizing and sharing pages in a web archive. We have also refreshed the platform’s look and feel. See our steadily growing user guide for instructions and educational resources.


List creation: Drag and drop pages to fill out your lists


What’s new:

  • Curated lists can guide users to the most interesting pages in a collection, and with further description and per-page annotation, provide a path through what’s been collected. Especially when lists are displayed in the new sidebar (to the left of captured websites) they can make it much easier for users to browse a collection. As has been the case with collections, users can choose to keep their lists private or share them with the world.
  • The main collection view has been redesigned to provide a cover page showcasing lists and descriptions as an easy entry point into collections.
  • Webrecorder now features a newly designed table view with filtering options, making it quicker to find a specific URL (page) in your collection.
  • Links into Webrecorder collections always contain a user-defined collection name instead of cryptic identifiers. Previously, this meant that if a collection was renamed, its URL would change and outside links would break. With this new release Webrecorder keeps track of renaming and forwards users to the correct new collection page.
  • A new visual design with subtle contrasts ensures that the web materials in collections remain the focus of presentation.

Head to to try out these new tools and features!

Behind the scenes improvements in this release include the separation of Webrecorder’s user interface (front end, using React) and technical architecture (backend, relying on Python and Docker). This new API-based framework will improve performance, make more rapid development possible over time, and open up ways for other tools to interact with Webrecorder.

With generous support from the Mellon Foundation, we look forward to further growing Webrecorder and its suite of services. In particular, keep an eye out for news about automation and professional tools.


Add annotations to items within your list


Led by Ilya Kreymer, our development and design team—Mark Beasley, Pat Shiu, and the newly joined backend developer John Berlin and summer developer fellow Aarati Akkapeddi—have done an incredible job bringing this new release into being. Dragan Espenschied and Anna Perricci have led product and partnership development as use of Webrecorder has steadily grown, particularly in libraries, archives, and museums, both in terms of number of users and levels of engagement.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us at

As a free, open-source platform offered by Rhizome, Webrecorder is advancing our mission to make web archiving available to all. The generosity and knowledge of our user community, including testers for this new release, contributed immeasurably to the improvements you will see in this new version of Webrecorder, so we would like to especially thank:

     Hélène Brousseau (Artexte Information Centre (Montreal, Canada))

     Sumitra Duncan (New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC))

     Anisa Hawes (Victoria and Albert Museum/Posters Network)

     Stefanie Hew (New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC))

     Jasmine Mulliken (Stanford University Press)

     Lelland Reed (NSCAD University Library)

     Léa Trudel (Artexte Information Centre (Montreal, Canada))