Launching Rhizome's Community Campaign 2014: What Will Rhizome's Role Be in the Future?

Had we taken this Chris Burden piece (Tower of Power, 1985) from the New Museum recently, we'd be set.

We're launching our six-week community campaign today. 
Will you make a donation this year? 

As Rhizome's Director, I'll kick off this year's campaign by answering a question I'm sometimes asked: What will Rhizome's role be in the near future, when "art and technology" has fully embedded itself into "contemporary art and culture," in no small part due to our efforts over the past 17 years? Will there be a need for this organization's focus?

Absolutely. As all culture goes digital, it becomes more important to highlight the role of technology and its ever-changing practices and problems, not less. Wherever this conversation is headed, we'll be at the forefront—originating nuanced, sophisticated, and informed takes on these topics, in dialogue with all disciplines.

Today, I'm asking you to contribute to Rhizome, in order that we can help keep this conversation moving forward. Organizations like ours require continued, yearly support for our core programs in order to survive. Give today—you'll receive a gift, and a shout-out during a 24-hour IRL/URL telethon on March 19—but, more, you'll enable us to continue our work, online and off.
Thank you for your support. 
P.S.: Thank you to all those who have contributed already to our brief end-of-year appeal—we appreciate your proactive support.