Labrynthitis by Jacob Kirkegaard is presented at Eyebeam on Friday
This week, New York is awash with sound art, led by MoMA's exhibition Soundings: A Contemporary Score (which features work by Rhizome-commissioned artist Tristan Perich). One event organized in conjunction with the MoMA exhibition looks particularly interesting: Jacob Kirkegaard's Labyrinthitis, in which the artist "sparks audible emissions within the audience's own ears" inside a "floating cube" at Eyebeam. The piece uses the listener's ear as an instrument, and it sounds like the best $11 night out we've heard of in a long time, except… it's sold out. More performances, please?
Since we're on the subject of sound art: last week the New York Times ran an article that included this passage contrasting more cerebral, "art-trained" figures in sound art with the "honk-tweet" school, described as follows:
Aligned with experimental music rather than visual art, the honk-tweeters are interested in strange beeps and buzzings for their own sakes. They craft what the sound artist, theorist and blogger Seth Kim-Cohen refers to as purely cochlear, rather than fully mindful, sound art.
In June, Mr. Kim-Cohen chided the survey at the Modern for including such work, which he described as the sonic equivalent of Op Art, a movement in painting “that does not demand (or merit) serious critical response,” as he has written.
This summary doesn't do justice to Kim-Cohen's ideas, but for the record: Op Art absolutely demands serious critical response, as does sound art that you actually have to, you know, listen to.
We take it as a good sign that the listing for Labyrinthitis includes a diagram of a cochlea. Prepare to put that organ to good use.
So without further ado, here are more selected events, exhibitions, and deadlines for the near future, all culled from Rhizome Announce.
Saturday, August 17: Sam Ashby, Jesse Darling, Fabienne Hess and Jon Rafman open up their studios for a rare two-day showing, followed by an evening of Daniel Rourke and Kyoung Kim's hot collaborative mess GLTI.CH Karaoke on Sunday.
Ongoing until Sunday, September 1: The Algorithm of Manfred Mohr - Mohr's retrospective at ZKM Center for Art & Media showcases his algorithmically generated work.
San Francisco
Friday, August 16: Et al. Gallery opens a solo show of new works by Aaron Finnis.
New York
Sunday, August 18: Brooklyn Fire Proof opens their (new) doors for a night of mingling and refreshments complete with a multi-projection performance by the artist-collective Optipus.
Tuesday, August 20: SVA presents The Pond, the Mirror, the Kaleidoscope, an exhibition of more than 30 paintings from graduates working in the Symbolist tradition.
Thursday, August 15:
CultureHub has released an open call for multimedia or interactive installations and performances that explore the term 'regeneration.'
Piksel13, an international festival focused on free and open source technologies in artistic practice, invites submissions to a varied selection of catagories.
Residency for Artists on Hiatus, a virtual residency for artists not currently making or presenting art, seeks applicants for its 2013-14 reesidency period.
Friday, August 16:
MINA 2013 has put out a call for smartphone, mobile, or pocket camera films for their International Mobile Innovation Screening in New Zealand.
Sunday August 18:
The Simultan Festival 2013 calls for video works that use technology in a creative way or are based on an unusual story.
Tuesday, August 20:
Stereocure is looking for artists interested in displaying work during their takeover of Top Tomato Gallery in Los Angeles.
Thursday, August 15: Dave Miller seeks new Robin Hood stories for a printed book that will be 'extended' by augmented reality software on a mobile device.
Friday, August 16: MINA 2013 invites proposals for papers and presentations relating to different sorts of mobile innovation.
Thursday, August 15: SAIC has put out a call for Instructors in advanced 3D modeling for animation
Saturday, August 24: Purchase College seeks a full-time Assistant New Media Professor to begin in the fall semester of 2014.
FYI Jacob Kirkegaard is also playing on Sunday at Silent Barn with Lesley Flanigan and Melissa Clarke. 8pm.
Thanks for the reference to my ZKM show.
What do you mean by pre-digital?
All my works since 1969 has been generated by the computer.
The show has one room with my work, from 1963 - 1968,
leading up to my work with the computer. All the rest of
the show is digital art - that is 99% of the show is digital.
Manfred Mohr
My apologies, Manfred! On second look it is clear that the early work is only one component of the exhibition; we've corrected the post. Thanks for noting this!
Hey there Rhizome – I have some good news from Eyebeam!
Tickets are now available for a second seating Friday night (Doors @ 9PM). You can get tickets here:
<3 from Chelsea,
Interesting but I think it might be tongue in cheek…?