Community Fundraiser: Supporting Technology and the Arts
Kitchen Table Coders Workshop, held at the New Museum  
Rhizome occupies an unique place in the ecology of art and technology, often where these two worlds meet for the first time. Since 1996, Rhizome promoted the innovation and artistic output from the open-source and hacker communities across the world. In 2013, Rhizome plans to take our art and technology programs one step further. Please consider making a contribution to the Community Fundraiser, you will make a significant difference in the reach of Rhizome's programming in the technology world.
Rhizome is not only embraced by artists but also cutting-edge technologists who look to Rhizome for inspiration. Through our programs like New Silent Series and Seven on Seven, we actively bring great minds from these fields together. We believe that the arts have a vital role in the development of technology and, through support from our community, Rhizome will continue to grow, diversify and help shape this field, now and in the future.
Rhizome has always recognized the importance of a free and open internet for creative online communities. In the last few years, threats of government regulations have threatened to limit the freedom of information online. We protested SOPA by blacking out our site for a day in solidarity with other sites like Wikipedia. Most recently, Rhizome joined major sites such as Reddit, Techdirt, Cheesburger and Github by creating a microsite dedicated to examining and expanding the Declaration of Internet Freedom as it applies to the artistic practices on the web. Whenever there are threats to internet freedom, Rhizome is there to lend its organizational voice as a leader in the art and tech world in support of a free and open internet.
By making a contribution to the annual Community Fundraiser, you'll keep Rhizome at the forefront of these important issues that effect both artistic and technology communities.