Weekend Clicking
Links for your weekend:
  • Sarah Morris sued by origami artists for copyright infringement concerning crease patterns (Tech Dirt, Joy Garnett)
  • Play Hunt the Wumpus (1973) with a JavaScript PDP-11 emulator
  • Dziga Vertov's Storyboard for Man with a Movie Camera
  • Upcoming Jonathan Lethem book of essays "The Ecstasy of Influence" (The 2007 Harper's essay with the same title, LA Times interview)
  • I found early on that I wasn't even watching the foreground dancers despite the very advanced and edgey dancing they are doing. When an artist has her audience transfixed by the background, she's truly gifted. (Fatova Mingus, This is Not Swan Lake on Marie Chouinard's Body Remix-Goldberg Variations)
  • Time Spent Alone (via tinkerkid)
  • Tumblrr, superimposes Tumblr images as a single image
  • It’s about time people started rendering unto Liquid Sky. Its long lipstick trace is smudged through much of indie cinema. The sights we see in Liquid Sky are riding the wave of genius punk sensibility from the late 70s, but by '83 are in full morph into the weird, technological forms we love. The broad bell-bottom analog curves of the 70's had given way to neon grids and skinny ties, and it was great. (Metafilter)
  • Frank Chimero's new blog The Mavenist
  • Protect your privacy shades (Forbes)
  • SSION at MoMA PopRally
  • Beautiful paintings activate the brain like love. (via Jen Bekman)
  • openpaths.cc an iPhone/iPad location data visualize tool (more)
  • Daphne Oram's Oramics Machine at London’s Science Museum
  • Also in London: Great list of speakers for The Piracy Project lecture series
  • Marina Zurkow interview in BOMB
  • BBC podcast on Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy (via Morbid Anatomy)
  • Four Films from Kamran Shirdel, (Bidoun and UbuWeb)
  • Museum of Arts and Design retrospective David Bowie, Artist and David Bowie artwork this week at 20x200
  • Tree of Knowledge, a Krist Wood image essay
  • Vernor Vinge on augmented reality (via Bruce Sterling)
  • Triple Canopy interviews Howie Chen (collectionof:)
  • Alexis Madrigal picks "9 of the Best Recordings From the Library of Congress' New Music Service"