Kickstarter Projects We ❤

In conjunction with Rhizome's brand new curated page on Kickstarter, we are featuring select projects from the site on the blog. If you would like to let us know about your fund raising efforts on Kickstarter, shoot us an email at editor(at)

►The Loneliest Mix

Imagine roaming the world’s largest ocean year after year alone, calling out with the regularity of a metronome, and hearing no response. ∞
The loneliest mix is an audio project by Mike Ambs to share the beautiful and rare song of a last-known hybrid blue whale, known by the name the loneliest whale, one mix-tape at a time. 

►Continuum: Computational Couture

Continuum is a user-generated fashion collection. I call it computational couture. It is the application of interactive technologies for bespoke design.  In short, an app lets you draw a dress, turns it into a 3D model, and exports a cutting pattern to make the real dress, sized to your measurements. A laser cutter or plotter cuts the pattern out of fabric, which is then sewn into the dress. All the designs are unified around the theme of the little black dress, and the triangulation used in the software. This allows basically everyone to create their own innovative dress design.

►MemeFactory Writes A Book

Meme Factory, a performative lecture about the Internet, is writing a book. The book will explore the subject matter of their performances in depth. It will include a brief history of sharing on the Internet, a discussion of memes, semiotics, web celebrity, ownership and copyright on the Internet, and more. MemeFactory: the Textbook will exist in 3 formats: a research database, a free CC-By Licensed PDF, and a real book with QR codes for links to videos and other web based material.

►Time Capsules to Space: Transmission #1

On April 15, 16, and 17, the first in a series of sonic, visual, and kinetic performances will be created into virtual time capsules for broadcast to outer space using a custom-built axial mode helical array antenna. Without any affiliations to government, military, or educational institutions, this is one of the first space broadcasts to be transmitted by artists from all walks of life. Designed to be received by extraterrestrials, time travelers, and the cosmic unknowns, Time Capsules to Space is an artistic and sociological collection of human interpretations regarding life on Earth. What would people “send off” to space given the opportunity?

Transmission #1 takes place at Here Art Center in New York City. Each night calls for a select group of artists to celebrate a different time of earth through their performances. The 1st night celebrates the Past, the 2nd night the Present, the 3rd night the Future. From audiovisual jams, to stick fighting demonstrations, to music and dance performances, each artist is asked to create a specific piece for the specific purposes of the broadcast. Audiences have the opportunity to participate by leaving written messages through the website as well as leaving video messages immediately after the show.