Art Intervention Planned Friday in Response to Strict Cuts to Cultural Funding in the Netherlands
On Friday the 24th June at noon local time, we need you to join this initiative in shrouding art locations across the world incoloured smoke. This visual act will be a sign of resistance against the growing disdain for the arts within societies and governments worldwide, and a sign of support for colleagues who face major cutbacks. Now is the time to act to show your appreciation and the necessity of the arts! ARTBOMB is a peaceful art intervention initiated in The Netherlands. The Dutch Government is about to cut 40% of all cultural funding. This will result in the disappearance of a multitude of organizations that excel internationally in their field. This loss will be felt not only by the Dutch public but by the international community. One signal, one moment, one act to show support. You can contribute visual ammunition against the disproportionate cuts to the arts budget. This visible intervention will rise up around the world where people value the arts and want to express their support for artists and cultural organizations. Everybody who joins the ARTBOMB intervention will become part of this chain reaction and is invited to upload the photos and films of their own intervention to the website as a token of solidarity and a symbol of strength. WHAT IGNITE COLOURED SMOKE AND DOCUMENT THE EVENT WHEN 12 NOON LOCAL TIME, FRIDAY 24th JUNE WHERE ART LOCATION OF YOUR CHOICE AFTER UPLOAD YOUR IMAGES/FOOTAGE TO