Last day of the Rhizome Summer Fundraiser
Francoise Gamma, Ysatsce dna ecaep evol (2011)
Today is the last day of our week-long Summer Fundraiser! As you know, this campaign is geared specifically towards our Preservation Initiative, which has become a major priority for Rhizome in recent years. We initiated this campaign because preservation not a matter of feasibility--we can make this happen--but the scale of our effort does depend on funding. We are actively seeking funding from foundations, government agencies to support this effort, and support from the Rhizome community through this fundraiser plays a very important role. An exciting part of being involved in art engaged with the Internet and new technology is that the field is moving so quickly, expanding, changing, and co-extensively, in need of criticism and resources to support it. The inherent risk is that the materials that compose these media-based works will obsolesce rapidly, in a way that painting, photography, and sculpture do not. Help us keep the history of this field in tact for artists, scholars and publics in years to come. Please donate today. This is your last chance to receive limited-edition desktop wallpaper from artists Fracoise Gamma or Travess Smalley. To all our members and supporters: thanks for all you've given to Rhizome! It's going to be a great summer on the Rhizome website thanks to you!