Weekend Clicking
Stardust and Betelgeuse ESO, Pierre Kervella (LESIA, Observatoire de Paris), et al. via @esalor
  • Harrison Ford explains how he got the role of Hans Solo (Image Oscillite)
  • Performa Announces Next 4 Performa Commissions & First 2 Performa Premieres for Performa 11. Performa Commissions are Simon Fujiwara, Mika Rottenberg and Jon Kessler, Frances Stark, and Ming Wong. Performa Premieres will be presented by Robert Ashley and Boris Charmatz.
  • Last Year at Marienbad is 50. awarded the Golden Lion at the 1961 Venice Film Festival and nominated for an Oscar, but also branded an 'aimless disaster' by Pauline Kael; lauded by some as a great leap forward in the battle against linear storytelling and a worthy successor to Hoffmann, Proust, and Borges (Mubi Notebook)
  • On archaeology and the "philosophy of recording" Why do we choose to record the sites, monuments and artefacts that we do? Why do we select the units of information we choose to record about them? How have the things we record and the attributes recorded changed over time?
  • Japanese secret B-2 Stealth Bomber 1988 From Wikipedia (redacted):“From 1989 to 2004, the South Dakota Air and Space Museum located on the grounds of Ellsworth Air Force Base displayed the 10-short-ton ”Honda-Stealth”, a 60% scale mock-up of a stealthy bomber which had been built by Honda in 1988 for an advertising campaign. Although not an actual replica of a B-2, the mock-up was close enough to the B-2’s design to arouse suspicion that Honda had intercepted classified, top secret information, as the B-2 project was still officially classified in 1988. Honda donated the model to the museum in 1989, on condition that the model be destroyed if it was ever replaced with a different example. In 2005, when the museum received a B-1 Lancer for display (Ellsworth being a B-1 base), the museum destroyed the mock-up.” (via tinkerkid, slavin)
  • Russell Davies on "secondary attention and the little boxes of sound" Sound is also screenless design. It's a great way to connect computation and people - it's just not used much. I'm always really struck at design conferences how many designers didn't seem to have an audio channel.
  • Restoring an 1870s photograph My standard operating procedure is to use an ultra-high resolution camera combined with a top-of-the-line macro lens to photograph tintypes. I use strobe lights to illuminate the artwork. Strobes produce "hard" light, much like the sun on a clear day. In addition to the strobes, I place a polarizer over the camera lens and polarizer gels over the strobe lights. This eliminates all reflections and enables the camera to pick up a greater tonal range along with more detail. (via Kottke)
  • A Stop Motion Tribute to Terminator 2 (via Fast Company)
  • Jack Kirby's heirs are seeking copyright interest in the characters he created. The Marvel editor Stan Lee sometimes offered general ideas for characters, allowing the artists to run with them. Mr. Kirby plotted stories, fleshing out characters that he had dreamed up or that he had fashioned from Mr. Lee’s sometimes vague enunciations. Mr. Lee shaped the stories and supplied his wisecrack-laden dialogue. And in the end, both men could honestly think of themselves as “creators.” More from Hilobrow
  • Paint Color Names Reach Dangerous New Heights of Absurdity (Gawker)
  • Science Fiction Theater was a syndicated science fiction anthology series. It was produced in the United States by Ivan Tors and Maurice Ziv. Hosted by Truman Bradley, a 1940s film actor and former war correspondent, each episode introduced stories which had an extrapolated scientific, or pseudo-scientific emphasis based on actual scientific data available in the 1950s. The program concentrated on such concepts as space flight, frozen dinosaurs, robots, telepathy, flying saucers and time travel. (Network Awesome)
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