Call for Applications
Art in General Open Call
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Art in General is seeking New York-based artists who have completed school for their Open Call program. More information below. Deadline is February 15, 2011.

Founded in 1981, Art in General facilitates the production and exhibition of new work and aims to provide artists with an optimal support structure and venue in which to realize and present their work, whether this format entails an exhibition, event, performance, location-based work in the public domain, or the very platforms of discursive space (i.e. publication, website, etc.). There are a variety of programs that support this mission, including solo commissioned exhibitions and projects, residencies, a site-specific elevator program, and off-site projects.

The Open Call is an opportunity for artists to present their current practice to a group of arts professionals, curators, critics, and fellow artists. The selection process takes into account the many and diverse artistic practices that artists develop and use, with the purpose of presenting exhibitions that respond to different ways of being, experiencing, and producing in the world today.

This year, on the occasion of our 30th Anniversary, which launches in September 2011, we will be reviewing applications to commission artists for a variety of special projects, as well as selecting artists for the following year of programs (September 2012-July 2013). In contrast to previous years, this year we ask artists to present a portfolio of their work for review, rather than a proposal for a specific project or exhibition. Specifically, artists are asked to submit a 500-word statement, a resume, and eight digital samples of recent artwork (images, video or audio). As with previous Art in General Open Call applications, users create a profile and may save their work to review and edit until the deadline.