
Some Rhizome staff news:

John Michael Boling stepped down from his position as Associate Director this past December to pursue the greener pastures of freelance. John Michael (popularly known as JMB) started at Rhizome over 2 years ago as a blogger, and soon went on to assume greater responsibilities, managing our membership program, heading community projects like 50K and Tiny Sketch, designing websites for the organization like Seven on Seven, curating projects such as Domain at Zero1, among many other initiatives--all executed with his singular wit and sparkling ingenuity. In his time here, John Michael was truly devoted to Rhizome, and all the artists with whom he worked. We are incredibly grateful to him, and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!

We've hired Zoë Salditch as Collections and Membership Manager, she begins this month. In this new role, Zoe will work with participating artists in our revamped ArtBase, and set various policies and procedures related to preservation. She will also be the liaison for all member affairs, individual and organizational. Zoe came to Rhizome via a Museum Studies program at Tufts University. She was a part-time volunteer before we hired her, and she impressed us all with her extensive knowledge of archival systems and contemporary art, as well as her zest for administration and systems management of all kinds. Welcome Zoë!